If laborer breaks the law, remove labor contract causes pecuniary loss to former servant unit, ought to assume liability to pay compensation. 假如劳动者违法解除劳动合同给原用人单位造成经济损失,应当承担赔偿责任。
Otherwise, give laborer because of without reason dismiss to bring pecuniary loss, unit of choose and employ persons needs to be compensated to laborer. 否则,因无故解聘而给劳动者带来经济损失的,用人单位需要向劳动者补偿。
Laborer causes pecuniary loss to unit of choose and employ persons, unit of choose and employ persons can deduct worker pay, but should be restricted certainly. 劳动者给用人单位造成经济损失,用人单位可以扣劳动者工资,但是要受到一定限制。
After having analysed the advantages and shortcomings of the current pecuniary penalty applied to a criminal unit, the article gives my own proposals of improvement in it, and then it discusses the new kinds of punishment which include honor penalty. 本文在分析现行的罚金刑对犯罪单位的优劣之后,提出了犯罪单位的罚金刑的完善之策,并进一步论述了犯罪单位的名誉刑等新刑种。